Tag Archive | singing

▶ Adorable 3 year old is very happy to dance! – YouTube

▶ Adorable 3 year old is very happy to dance! – YouTube

VIRAL because he’s so articulate and cute, ZOMG!! He’s Chinese and his name is Zhang Junghao.

THE LION KING Australia: Cast Sings Circle of Life on Flight Home From Brisbane

After an amazing day at THE LION KING Brisbane season launch announcement, members of our Australian cast felt so elated they decided to sing the ‘Circle of Life’ prior to take off on their flight back to Sydney!

So sit back and enjoy the amazing flash mob.


RE: Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” Isolated Tracks | That Eric Alper

Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” Isolated Tracks | That Eric Alper – great article!! One of my favorite songs of all time.

“Rio” is my favorite album.  Duran Duran is still around after all these years. No surprise.

Granted, Hungry Like The Wolf is a weird song if you listen to the lyrics. I get it, but it’s odd. HOWEVER, the musical arrangement is amazing. Hard to believe these guys were so young when they wrote it. Nick Rhodes is a masterful genius, and there’s no denying he was the savory underpinning of this great band. He was quite the orchestrator, literally. Oh, the flack I caught from my parents because they “looked like girls” – but who’s laughing now?

This revelation about the song I’d not heard before (article cited below):

“The lyrics were inspired by Little Red Riding Hood…”

U wot m8? I guess it makes sense now…?

Anyway, read the article and enjoy these isolated tracks that collectively make up a great song: