Tag Archive | seashells

Shelling / Beach-combing – A Year Round Hobby

Customize It All

Shelling is a favorite pastime of mine, and the best part is, it can be done year-round.

Storms churn the sea, bringing up many long-hidden ocean treasures up on shore. Yes, the windy Winter months are harsher for shellers, but with several layers to keep warm (a rain poncho helps), you can gather those hard-to-find shells you’ve been waiting for.

Where I live, the Gulf Stream is ever-faithful to bring up surprises from all over. My latest goals are finding dark purple quahog and conch shells. I’m going to make some wampum jewelry with my trusty Dremel tool, and I need some conch shell to experiment making other jewelry beads, or whatever I come up with. Will post pictures when I can get further South…

Shelling Tees

Sarasota On My Mind…

Have you ever been to the beach around Sarasota or Clearwater, Florida? The sand is finely ocean-ground white quartz, and it looks like sugar. It feels cold on your feet! The water, because it’s “Gulf-side”, is very aqua, and words can’t even describe the beauty.

Here is a favorite design of mine –  I included the pinkish sun-glow, the white sand, and aqua blue waters:

“Shelling” Refrigerator Magnets by CousinBelles

A reminder of a favorite pastime – on your fridge or filing cabinet!

Shelling Refrigerator Magnets
Shelling Refrigerator Magnets by CousinBelles
Check out other Sea Magnets at zazzle.com

“Shelling 2” Hat by CousinBelles

Any day, any time of the year, you can go shelling on the beach…

Shelling 2 hat
Shelling 2 hat by CousinBelles
Design your own custom baseball caps at Zazzle.

Shelling Key Chains by CousinBelles

Emerald Isle Beach Seashell Collection Mugs by CousinBelles

Emerald Isle seashells!

Emerald Isle Beach Seashell Collection Mugs
Emerald Isle Beach Seashell Collection Mugs by CousinBelles
Make a unique mug with picture from zazzle.com.